steamship.agents.schema package#


steamship.agents.schema.action module#

class steamship.agents.schema.action.Action(*, tool: str, input: List[Block], output: List[Block] | None = None, is_final: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Actions represent a binding of a Tool to the inputs supplied to the tool.

Upon completion, the Action also contains the output of the Tool given the inputs.

input: List[Block]#

Data provided directly to the Tool (full context is passed in run).

is_final: bool#

Whether this Action should be the final action performed in a reasoning loop.

Setting this to True means that the executing Agent should halt any reasoning.

output: List[Block] | None#

Any direct output produced by the Tool.

tool: str#

Name of tool used by this action.

class steamship.agents.schema.action.FinishAction(*, tool: str = 'Agent-FinishAction', input: List[Block] = [], output: List[Block] | None = None, is_final: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: Action

Represents a final selected action in an Agent Execution.

input: List[Block]#

Data provided directly to the Tool (full context is passed in run).

steamship.agents.schema.agent module#

class steamship.agents.schema.agent.Agent(*, tools: List[Tool], message_selector: MessageSelector = NoMessages())[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

Agent is responsible for choosing the next action to take for an AgentService.

It uses the provided context, and a set of Tools, to decide on an action that will be executed by the AgentService.

default_system_message() str | None[source]#

The default system message used by Agents to drive LLM instruction.

Non Chat-based Agents should always return None. Chat-based Agents should override this method to provide a default prompt.

message_selector: MessageSelector#

Selector of messages from ChatHistory. Used for conversation memory retrieval.

abstract next_action(context: AgentContext) Action[source]#
record_action_run(action: Action, context: AgentContext)[source]#
tools: List[Tool]#

Tools that can be used by the Agent in selecting the next Action.

class steamship.agents.schema.agent.ChatAgent(*, tools: List[Tool], message_selector: MessageSelector = NoMessages(), llm: ChatLLM, output_parser: OutputParser)[source]#

Bases: Agent, ABC

ChatAgents choose next actions for an AgentService based on chat-based interactions with an LLM.

llm: ChatLLM#
output_parser: OutputParser#

Utility responsible for converting LLM output into Actions

class steamship.agents.schema.agent.LLMAgent(*, tools: List[Tool], message_selector: MessageSelector = NoMessages(), llm: LLM, output_parser: OutputParser)[source]#

Bases: Agent

LLMAgents choose next actions for an AgentService based on interactions with an LLM.

llm: LLM#

The LLM to use for action selection.

static messages_to_prompt_history(messages: List[Block]) str[source]#
abstract next_action(context: AgentContext) Action[source]#
output_parser: OutputParser#

Utility responsible for converting LLM output into Actions

steamship.agents.schema.cache module#

class steamship.agents.schema.cache.ActionCache(client: Steamship, key_value_store: KeyValueStore)[source]#

Bases: object

Provide persistent cache layer for AgentContext that allows lookups of output blocks from Actions.

Use this cache to eliminate calls to Tools.


clear() None[source]#
client: Steamship#
delete(key: Action) bool[source]#
static get_or_create(client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str])[source]#
key_value_store: KeyValueStore#
lookup(key: Action) List[Block] | None[source]#
update(key: Action, value: List[Block])[source]#
class steamship.agents.schema.cache.LLMCache(client: Steamship, key_value_store: KeyValueStore)[source]#

Bases: object

Provide persistent cache layer for AgentContext that allows lookups of Actions from LLM prompts.

Use this cache to eliminate calls to LLMs for Tool selection and direct responses.


clear() None[source]#
client: Steamship#
delete(key: List[Block]) bool[source]#
static get_or_create(client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str])[source]#
key_value_store: KeyValueStore#
lookup(key: List[Block]) Action | None[source]#
update(key: List[Block], value: Action)[source]#

steamship.agents.schema.chathistory module#

class steamship.agents.schema.chathistory.ChatHistory(file: File, embedding_index: EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance | None, text_splitter: TextSplitter = None)[source]#

Bases: object

A ChatHistory is a wrapper of a File ideal for ongoing interactions between a user and a virtual assistant. It also includes vector-backed storage for similarity-based retrieval.

append_agent_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_assistant_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the agent, i.e., results from the assistant.

append_llm_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_message_with_role(text: str = None, role: RoleTag = RoleTag.USER, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.

append_request_complete_message() Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_status_message_with_role(text: str = None, role: RoleTag = RoleTag.USER, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.

append_system_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the system, i.e., instructions to the assistant.

append_tool_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_user_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.


Deletes ALL messages from the ChatHistory (including system).

NOTE: upon deletion, refresh() is called to ensure up-to-date history refs.

property client: Client#
delete_messages(selector: MessageSelector)[source]#

Delete a set of selected messages from the ChatHistory.

If selector == None, no messages will be deleted.

NOTES: - upon deletion, refresh() is called to ensure up-to-date history refs. - causes a full re-index of chat history if the history is searchable.

embedding_index: EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance#
file: File#
static get_or_create(client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str], tags: List[Tag] = None, searchable: bool = True) ChatHistory[source]#
property initial_system_prompt: Block | None#
is_searchable() bool[source]#
property last_agent_message: Block | None#
property last_system_message: Block | None#
property last_user_message: Block | None#
property messages: List[Block]#
search(text: str, k=None) Task[SearchResults][source]#
select_messages(selector: MessageSelector) List[Block][source]#
property tags: List[Tag]#
text_splitter: TextSplitter#
class steamship.agents.schema.chathistory.ChatHistoryLoggingHandler(chat_history: ChatHistory, log_level: any = 20, streaming_opts: StreamingOpts | None = None)[source]#

Bases: StreamHandler

Logs messages emitted by Agents and Tools into a ChatHistory file.

This is a basic mechanism for streaming status messages alongside generated content.

chat_history: ChatHistory#

Emit a record.

If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record. The record is then written to the stream with a trailing newline. If exception information is present, it is formatted using traceback.print_exception and appended to the stream. If the stream has an ‘encoding’ attribute, it is used to determine how to do the output to the stream.

log_level: any#
streaming_opts: StreamingOpts#

steamship.agents.schema.context module#

class steamship.agents.schema.context.AgentContext(request_id: str | None = None, streaming_opts: StreamingOpts | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

AgentContext contains all relevant information about a particular execution of an Agent. It is used by the AgentService to manage execution history as well as store/retrieve information and metadata that will be used in the process of an agent execution.

action_cache: ActionCache | None#

Caches all interations with Tools within a Context. This provides a way to avoid duplicated calls to Tools when within the same context.

chat_history: ChatHistory#

Record of user-package messages. It records user submitted queries/prompts and the final agent-driven answer sent in response to those queries/prompts. It does NOT record any chat history related to agent execution and action selection.

client: Steamship#

Provides workspace-specific utilities for the agents and tools.

completed_steps: List[Action]#

Record of agent-selected Actions and their outputs. This provides an ordered look at the execution sequence for this context.

emit_funcs: List[Callable[[List[Block], Dict[str, Any]], None]]#

Called when an agent execution has completed. These provide a way for the AgentService to return the result of an agent execution to the package that requested the agent execution.

static get_or_create(client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str], tags: List[Tag] = None, searchable: bool = True, use_llm_cache: bool | None = False, use_action_cache: bool | None = False, streaming_opts: StreamingOpts | None = None, initial_system_message: str | None = None)[source]#

Get the AgentContext that corresponds to the parameters supplied.

If the AgentContext does not already exist, a new one will be created and returned.

  • client (Steamship) – Steamship workspace-scoped client

  • context_keys (dict) – key-value pairs used to uniquely identify a context within a workspace

  • tags (list) – List of Steamship Tags to attach to a ChatHistory for a new context

  • searchable (bool) – Whether the ContextHistory should embed appended messages for subsequent retrieval

  • use_llm_cache (bool) – Determines if an LLM Cache should be created for a new context

  • use_action_cache (bool) – Determines if an Action Cache should be created for a new context

  • streaming_opts (StreamingOpts) – Determines how status messages are appended to the context’s ChatHistory

  • initial_system_message (str) – System message used to initialize the context’s ChatHistory. If one already exists, this will be ignored.

property id: str#
llm_cache: LLMCache | None#

Caches all interations with LLMs within a Context. This provides a way to avoid duplicated calls to LLMs when within the same context.

metadata: Dict[str, Any]#

Allows storage of arbitrary information that may be useful for agents and tools.

steamship.agents.schema.functions module#

class steamship.agents.schema.functions.FunctionParameters(*, type: JSONType = JSONType.object, properties: Mapping[str, FunctionProperty], required: List[str] | None = [])[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for the description of how to invoke an OpenAI function.

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

use_enum_values = True#

This tells Pydantic to serialize the Enum values as strings, which is VERY IMPORTANT for OpenAI

properties: Mapping[str, FunctionProperty]#

Map of param names to their types and description

required: List[str] | None#

List of required parameter names.

type: JSONType#

Type of this object. DO NOT MODIFY.

class steamship.agents.schema.functions.FunctionProperty(*, type: JSONType = JSONType.object, description: str)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for an individual parameter used in an OpenAI function.

class Config[source]#

Bases: object

use_enum_values = True#

This tells Pydantic to serialize the Enum values as strings, which is VERY IMPORTANT for OpenAI

description: str#

Description of the property. Should include format instructions.

type: JSONType#

Type of the property. Defaults to object.

class steamship.agents.schema.functions.JSONType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#

Bases: str, Enum

array = 'array'#
boolean = 'boolean'#
integer = 'integer'#
null = 'null'#
number = 'number'#
object = 'object'#
string = 'string'#
class steamship.agents.schema.functions.OpenAIFunction(*, name: str, description: str, parameters: FunctionParameters)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Schema for an OpenAI function that can be used in prompting.

description: str#

Purpose of function. Should describe expected output (and format).

name: str#

Name of the function. This will appear in LLM response.

parameters: FunctionParameters#

Specifies how the function should be called.

steamship.agents.schema.llm module#

class steamship.agents.schema.llm.ChatLLM[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

ChatLLM wraps large language model-based backends that use a chat completion style interation.

They may be used with Agents in Action selection, or for direct prompt completion.

abstract chat(messages: List[Block], tools: List[Tool] | None, **kwargs) List[Block][source]#

Sends the set of chat messages to the LLM, returning the next part of the conversation

class steamship.agents.schema.llm.LLM[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

LLM wraps large language model-based backends.

They may be used with LLMAgents in Action selection, or for direct prompt completion.

abstract complete(prompt: str, stop: str | None = None, **kwargs) List[Block][source]#

Completes the provided prompt, stopping when the stop sequeunce is found.

steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors module#

class steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.MessageSelector[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

abstract get_messages(messages: List[Block]) List[Block][source]#
class steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.MessageWindowMessageSelector(*, k: int)[source]#

Bases: MessageSelector

get_messages(messages: List[Block]) List[Block][source]#
k: int#
class steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.NoMessages[source]#

Bases: MessageSelector

get_messages(messages: List[Block]) List[Block][source]#
class steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.TokenWindowMessageSelector(*, max_tokens: int)[source]#

Bases: MessageSelector

get_messages(messages: List[Block]) List[Block][source]#
max_tokens: int#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.is_assistant_function_message(block: Block) bool[source]#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.is_assistant_message(block: Block) bool[source]#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.is_function_message(block: Block) bool[source]#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.is_tool_function_message(block: Block) bool[source]#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.is_user_history_message(block: Block) bool[source]#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.is_user_message(block: Block) bool[source]#
steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors.tokens(block: Block) int[source]#

steamship.agents.schema.output_parser module#

class steamship.agents.schema.output_parser.OutputParser[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

Used to convert text into Actions.

Primarily used by LLM-based agents that generate textual descriptions of selected actions and their inputs. OutputParsers can be used to convert those descriptions into Action objects for the AgentService to run.


  • input: “Action: GenerateImage

    ActionInput: row-house”

  • output: Action(“dalle”, “row-house”)

abstract parse(text: str, context: AgentContext) Action[source]#

Convert text into an Action object.

steamship.agents.schema.text_splitters module#

class steamship.agents.schema.text_splitters.FixedSizeTextSplitter(chunk_size)[source]#

Bases: TextSplitter

Simplest possible chunking strategy; every n characters.

chunk_size: int#
split_text(text: str) List[str][source]#

Split the incoming text into strings

class steamship.agents.schema.text_splitters.TextSplitter[source]#

Bases: ABC

chunk_text_to_tags(block: Block, kind: str, name: str = None) List[Tag][source]#

Split the incoming text into strings, and then wrap those strings in Tags

abstract split_text(text: str) List[str][source]#

Split the incoming text into strings

steamship.agents.schema.tool module#

class steamship.agents.schema.tool.AgentContext[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Placeholder to avoid circular dependency.

class steamship.agents.schema.tool.Tool(*, name: str, agent_description: str, human_description: str, is_final: bool = False, cacheable: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Tools provide functionality that may be used by AgentServices, as directed by Agents, to achieve a goal.

Tools may be used to wrap Steamship packages and plugins, as well as third-party backend services, and even locally-contained bits of Python code.

agent_description: str#

Description for use in an agent in order to enable Action selection. It should include a short summary of what the Tool does, what the inputs to the Tool should be, and what the outputs of the tool are.

as_openai_function() OpenAIFunction[source]#
cacheable: bool#

Whether runs of this Tool should be cached based on inputs (if caching is enabled in the AgentContext for a run). Setting this to False will make prevent any Actions that involve this tool from being cached, meaning that every Action using this Tool will result in a call to run. By default, Tools are considered cacheable.

human_description: str#

Human-friendly description. Used for logging, tool indices, etc.

is_final: bool#

Whether actions performed by this tool should have their is_final bit marked.

Setting this to True means that the output of this tool will halt the reasoning loop. Its output will be returned directly to the user.

name: str#

The short name for the tool. This will be used by Agents to refer to this tool during action selection.

post_process(async_task: Task, context: AgentContext) List[Block][source]#

Transforms Task output into a List[Block].

abstract run(tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) List[Block] | Task[Any][source]#

Run the tool given the provided input and context.

At the moment, only synchronous Tools (those that return List[Block]) are supported.

Support for asynchronous Tools (those that return Task[Any]) will be added shortly.

Module contents#

class steamship.agents.schema.Action(*, tool: str, input: List[Block], output: List[Block] | None = None, is_final: bool = False)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Actions represent a binding of a Tool to the inputs supplied to the tool.

Upon completion, the Action also contains the output of the Tool given the inputs.

input: List[Block]#

Data provided directly to the Tool (full context is passed in run).

is_final: bool#

Whether this Action should be the final action performed in a reasoning loop.

Setting this to True means that the executing Agent should halt any reasoning.

output: List[Block] | None#

Any direct output produced by the Tool.

tool: str#

Name of tool used by this action.

class steamship.agents.schema.Agent(*, tools: List[Tool], message_selector: MessageSelector = NoMessages())[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

Agent is responsible for choosing the next action to take for an AgentService.

It uses the provided context, and a set of Tools, to decide on an action that will be executed by the AgentService.

default_system_message() str | None[source]#

The default system message used by Agents to drive LLM instruction.

Non Chat-based Agents should always return None. Chat-based Agents should override this method to provide a default prompt.

message_selector: MessageSelector#

Selector of messages from ChatHistory. Used for conversation memory retrieval.

abstract next_action(context: AgentContext) Action[source]#
record_action_run(action: Action, context: AgentContext)[source]#
tools: List[Tool]#

Tools that can be used by the Agent in selecting the next Action.

class steamship.agents.schema.AgentContext(request_id: str | None = None, streaming_opts: StreamingOpts | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

AgentContext contains all relevant information about a particular execution of an Agent. It is used by the AgentService to manage execution history as well as store/retrieve information and metadata that will be used in the process of an agent execution.

action_cache: ActionCache | None#

Caches all interations with Tools within a Context. This provides a way to avoid duplicated calls to Tools when within the same context.

chat_history: ChatHistory#

Record of user-package messages. It records user submitted queries/prompts and the final agent-driven answer sent in response to those queries/prompts. It does NOT record any chat history related to agent execution and action selection.

client: Steamship#

Provides workspace-specific utilities for the agents and tools.

completed_steps: List[Action]#

Record of agent-selected Actions and their outputs. This provides an ordered look at the execution sequence for this context.

emit_funcs: List[Callable[[List[Block], Dict[str, Any]], None]]#

Called when an agent execution has completed. These provide a way for the AgentService to return the result of an agent execution to the package that requested the agent execution.

static get_or_create(client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str], tags: List[Tag] = None, searchable: bool = True, use_llm_cache: bool | None = False, use_action_cache: bool | None = False, streaming_opts: StreamingOpts | None = None, initial_system_message: str | None = None)[source]#

Get the AgentContext that corresponds to the parameters supplied.

If the AgentContext does not already exist, a new one will be created and returned.

  • client (Steamship) – Steamship workspace-scoped client

  • context_keys (dict) – key-value pairs used to uniquely identify a context within a workspace

  • tags (list) – List of Steamship Tags to attach to a ChatHistory for a new context

  • searchable (bool) – Whether the ContextHistory should embed appended messages for subsequent retrieval

  • use_llm_cache (bool) – Determines if an LLM Cache should be created for a new context

  • use_action_cache (bool) – Determines if an Action Cache should be created for a new context

  • streaming_opts (StreamingOpts) – Determines how status messages are appended to the context’s ChatHistory

  • initial_system_message (str) – System message used to initialize the context’s ChatHistory. If one already exists, this will be ignored.

property id: str#
llm_cache: LLMCache | None#

Caches all interations with LLMs within a Context. This provides a way to avoid duplicated calls to LLMs when within the same context.

metadata: Dict[str, Any]#

Allows storage of arbitrary information that may be useful for agents and tools.

class steamship.agents.schema.ChatAgent(*, tools: List[Tool], message_selector: MessageSelector = NoMessages(), llm: ChatLLM, output_parser: OutputParser)[source]#

Bases: Agent, ABC

ChatAgents choose next actions for an AgentService based on chat-based interactions with an LLM.

llm: ChatLLM#
message_selector: MessageSelector#

Selector of messages from ChatHistory. Used for conversation memory retrieval.

output_parser: OutputParser#

Utility responsible for converting LLM output into Actions

tools: List[Tool]#

Tools that can be used by the Agent in selecting the next Action.

class steamship.agents.schema.ChatHistory(file: File, embedding_index: EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance | None, text_splitter: TextSplitter = None)[source]#

Bases: object

A ChatHistory is a wrapper of a File ideal for ongoing interactions between a user and a virtual assistant. It also includes vector-backed storage for similarity-based retrieval.

append_agent_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_assistant_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the agent, i.e., results from the assistant.

append_llm_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_message_with_role(text: str = None, role: RoleTag = RoleTag.USER, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.

append_request_complete_message() Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_status_message_with_role(text: str = None, role: RoleTag = RoleTag.USER, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.

append_system_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the system, i.e., instructions to the assistant.

append_tool_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.

append_user_message(text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: str | bytes = None, url: str | None = None, mime_type: MimeTypes | None = None) Block[source]#

Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.


Deletes ALL messages from the ChatHistory (including system).

NOTE: upon deletion, refresh() is called to ensure up-to-date history refs.

property client: Client#
delete_messages(selector: MessageSelector)[source]#

Delete a set of selected messages from the ChatHistory.

If selector == None, no messages will be deleted.

NOTES: - upon deletion, refresh() is called to ensure up-to-date history refs. - causes a full re-index of chat history if the history is searchable.

embedding_index: EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance#
file: File#
static get_or_create(client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str], tags: List[Tag] = None, searchable: bool = True) ChatHistory[source]#
property initial_system_prompt: Block | None#
is_searchable() bool[source]#
property last_agent_message: Block | None#
property last_system_message: Block | None#
property last_user_message: Block | None#
property messages: List[Block]#
search(text: str, k=None) Task[SearchResults][source]#
select_messages(selector: MessageSelector) List[Block][source]#
property tags: List[Tag]#
text_splitter: TextSplitter#
class steamship.agents.schema.ChatLLM[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

ChatLLM wraps large language model-based backends that use a chat completion style interation.

They may be used with Agents in Action selection, or for direct prompt completion.

abstract chat(messages: List[Block], tools: List[Tool] | None, **kwargs) List[Block][source]#

Sends the set of chat messages to the LLM, returning the next part of the conversation

class steamship.agents.schema.FinishAction(*, tool: str = 'Agent-FinishAction', input: List[Block] = [], output: List[Block] | None = None, is_final: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: Action

Represents a final selected action in an Agent Execution.

input: List[Block]#

Data provided directly to the Tool (full context is passed in run).

is_final: bool#

Whether this Action should be the final action performed in a reasoning loop.

Setting this to True means that the executing Agent should halt any reasoning.

output: List[Block] | None#

Any direct output produced by the Tool.

tool: str#

Name of tool used by this action.

class steamship.agents.schema.LLM[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

LLM wraps large language model-based backends.

They may be used with LLMAgents in Action selection, or for direct prompt completion.

abstract complete(prompt: str, stop: str | None = None, **kwargs) List[Block][source]#

Completes the provided prompt, stopping when the stop sequeunce is found.

class steamship.agents.schema.LLMAgent(*, tools: List[Tool], message_selector: MessageSelector = NoMessages(), llm: LLM, output_parser: OutputParser)[source]#

Bases: Agent

LLMAgents choose next actions for an AgentService based on interactions with an LLM.

llm: LLM#

The LLM to use for action selection.

message_selector: MessageSelector#

Selector of messages from ChatHistory. Used for conversation memory retrieval.

static messages_to_prompt_history(messages: List[Block]) str[source]#
abstract next_action(context: AgentContext) Action[source]#
output_parser: OutputParser#

Utility responsible for converting LLM output into Actions

tools: List[Tool]#

Tools that can be used by the Agent in selecting the next Action.

class steamship.agents.schema.OutputParser[source]#

Bases: BaseModel, ABC

Used to convert text into Actions.

Primarily used by LLM-based agents that generate textual descriptions of selected actions and their inputs. OutputParsers can be used to convert those descriptions into Action objects for the AgentService to run.


  • input: “Action: GenerateImage

    ActionInput: row-house”

  • output: Action(“dalle”, “row-house”)

abstract parse(text: str, context: AgentContext) Action[source]#

Convert text into an Action object.

class steamship.agents.schema.Tool(*, name: str, agent_description: str, human_description: str, is_final: bool = False, cacheable: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: BaseModel

Tools provide functionality that may be used by AgentServices, as directed by Agents, to achieve a goal.

Tools may be used to wrap Steamship packages and plugins, as well as third-party backend services, and even locally-contained bits of Python code.

agent_description: str#

Description for use in an agent in order to enable Action selection. It should include a short summary of what the Tool does, what the inputs to the Tool should be, and what the outputs of the tool are.

as_openai_function() OpenAIFunction[source]#
cacheable: bool#

Whether runs of this Tool should be cached based on inputs (if caching is enabled in the AgentContext for a run). Setting this to False will make prevent any Actions that involve this tool from being cached, meaning that every Action using this Tool will result in a call to run. By default, Tools are considered cacheable.

human_description: str#

Human-friendly description. Used for logging, tool indices, etc.

is_final: bool#

Whether actions performed by this tool should have their is_final bit marked.

Setting this to True means that the output of this tool will halt the reasoning loop. Its output will be returned directly to the user.

name: str#

The short name for the tool. This will be used by Agents to refer to this tool during action selection.

post_process(async_task: Task, context: AgentContext) List[Block][source]#

Transforms Task output into a List[Block].

abstract run(tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) List[Block] | Task[Any][source]#

Run the tool given the provided input and context.

At the moment, only synchronous Tools (those that return List[Block]) are supported.

Support for asynchronous Tools (those that return Task[Any]) will be added shortly.