steamship.base package#
steamship.base.client module#
- class steamship.base.client.Client(api_key: str = None, api_base: str = None, app_base: str = None, web_base: str = None, workspace: str = None, fail_if_workspace_exists: bool = False, profile: str = None, config_file: str = None, config: Configuration = None, trust_workspace_config: bool = False)[source]#
Client class.
Separated primarily as a hack to prevent circular imports.
- call(verb: Verb, operation: str, payload: Request | dict | bytes = None, file: Any = None, expect: Type[T] = None, debug: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False, is_package_call: bool = False, package_owner: str = None, package_id: str = None, package_instance_id: str = None, as_background_task: bool = False, wait_on_tasks: List[str | Task] = None, timeout_s: float | None = None, task_delay_ms: int | None = None) Any | Task [source]#
Post to the Steamship API.
All responses have the format:
.. code-block:: json
- {
“data”: “<actual response>”, “error”: {“reason”: “<message>”}
} # noqa: RST203
For the Python client we return the contents of the data field if present, and we raise an exception if the error field is filled in.
- config: Configuration#
- dict(**kwargs) dict [source]#
Generate a dictionary representation of the model, optionally specifying which fields to include or exclude.
- get(operation: str, payload: Request | dict = None, file: Any = None, expect: Any = None, debug: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False, is_package_call: bool = False, package_owner: str = None, package_id: str = None, package_instance_id: str = None, as_background_task: bool = False, wait_on_tasks: List[str | Task] = None, timeout_s: float | None = None, task_delay_ms: int | None = None) Any | Task [source]#
- logs(offset: int = 0, number: int = 50, invocable_handle: str | None = None, instance_handle: str | None = None, invocable_version_handle: str | None = None, path: str | None = None, field_values: Dict[str, str] | None = None) Dict[str, Any] [source]#
Return generated logs for a client.
The logs will be workspace-scoped. You will only receive logs for packages and plugins that you own.
- Parameters:
offset – The index of the first log entry to return. This can be used with number to page through logs.
number – The number of log entries to return. This can be used with offset to page through logs.
invocable_handle – Enables optional filtering based on the handle of package or plugin. Example: my-package
instance_handle – Enables optional filtering based on the handle of package instance or plugin instance. Example: my-instance
invocable_version_handle – Enables optional filtering based on the version handle of package or plugin. Example: 0.0.2
path – Enables optional filtering based on request path. Example: /generate.
field_values – Enables optional filtering based on user-provided field values.
- Returns:
Returns a dictionary containing the offset and number of log entries as well as a list of entries that match the specificed filters.
- post(operation: str, payload: Request | dict | BaseModel | bytes = None, file: Any = None, expect: Any = None, debug: bool = False, raw_response: bool = False, is_package_call: bool = False, package_owner: str = None, package_id: str = None, package_instance_id: str = None, as_background_task: bool = False, wait_on_tasks: List[str | Task] = None, timeout_s: float | None = None, task_delay_ms: int | None = None) Any | Task [source]#
- switch_workspace(workspace_handle: str = None, workspace_id: str = None, fail_if_workspace_exists: bool = False, trust_workspace_config: bool = False)[source]#
Switches this client to the requested workspace, possibly creating it. If all arguments are None, the client actively switches into the default workspace.
API calls are performed manually to not result in circular imports.
Note that the default workspace is technically not necessary for API usage; it will be assumed by the Engine in the absense of a Workspace ID or Handle being manually specified in request headers.
steamship.base.configuration module#
- class steamship.base.configuration.Configuration(config_file: Path | None = None, *, apiKey: SecretStr, apiBase: AnyHttpUrl = '', appBase: AnyHttpUrl = '', webBase: AnyHttpUrl = '', workspaceId: str = None, workspaceHandle: str = None, profile: str | None = None, requestId: str | None = None)[source]#
- api_base: AnyHttpUrl#
- api_key: SecretStr#
- app_base: AnyHttpUrl#
- web_base: AnyHttpUrl#
steamship.base.environments module#
- class steamship.base.environments.RuntimeEnvironments(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- LOCALHOST = 'localhost'#
- REPLIT = 'replit'#
- steamship.base.environments.check_environment(env: RuntimeEnvironments, interactively_set_key: bool = True)[source]#
steamship.base.error module#
- exception steamship.base.error.SteamshipError(message: str = 'Undefined remote error', internal_message: str = None, suggestion: str = None, code: str = None, error: Exception | str = None)[source]#
- static from_dict(d: Any) SteamshipError [source]#
Last resort if subclass doesn’t override: pass through.
steamship.base.mime_types module#
- class steamship.base.mime_types.MimeTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- BINARY = 'application/octet-stream'#
- DOC = 'application/msword'#
- DOCX = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'#
- EPUB = 'application/epub+zip'#
- FILE_JSON = 'fileJson'#
- GIF = 'image/gif'#
- HTML = 'text/html'#
- JPG = 'image/jpeg'#
- JSON = 'application/json'#
- MKD = 'text/markdown'#
- MP3 = 'audio/mp3'#
- MP4_AUDIO = 'audio/mp4'#
- MP4_VIDEO = 'video/mp4'#
- OGG_AUDIO = 'audio/ogg'#
- OGG_VIDEO = 'video/ogg'#
- PDF = 'application/pdf'#
- PNG = 'image/png'#
- PPT = 'applicatino/ms-powerpoint'#
- PPTX = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'#
- RTF = 'application/rtf'#
- STEAMSHIP_BLOCK_JSON = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.json.v1'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_REQUEST = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.plugin-capabilities-request+json'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_RESPONSE = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.plugin-capabilities-response+json'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_CALL_INVOCATION = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.function-calling-support-invocation+json'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_CALL_RESULT = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.function-calling-support-result+json'#
- TIFF = 'image/tiff'#
- TXT = 'text/plain'#
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'#
- WAV = 'audio/wav'#
- WEBM_AUDIO = 'audio/webm'#
- WEBM_VIDEO = 'video/webm'#
steamship.base.model module#
- class steamship.base.model.GenericCamelModel[source]#
steamship.base.package_spec module#
Objects for recording and reporting upon the introspected interface of a Steamship Package.
- class steamship.base.package_spec.ArgSpec(name: str, parameter: Parameter)[source]#
An argument passed to a method.
- class steamship.base.package_spec.MethodSpec(*, path: str, verb: str, returns: str, doc: str | None = None, args: List[ArgSpec] | None = None, config: Dict | None = None, funcBinding: str | Callable[[...], Any] | None = None, className: str | None = None)[source]#
A method, callable remotely, on an object.
- static clean_path(path: str = '') str [source]#
Ensure that the path always starts with /, and at minimum must be at least /.
- clone() MethodSpec [source]#
- static from_class(cls: object, name: str, path: str = None, verb: Verb = Verb.POST, config: Dict[str, str | bool | int | float] = None, func_binding: str | Callable[[...], Any] | None = None)[source]#
- get_bound_function(service_instance: Any | None) Callable[[...], Any] | None [source]#
Get the bound method described by this spec.
The func_binding, if a string, resolves to a function on the provided Invocable. Else is just a function.
- is_same_route_as(other: MethodSpec) bool [source]#
Two methods are the same route if they share a path and verb.
- class steamship.base.package_spec.PackageSpec(*, name: str, doc: str | None = None, sdkVersion: str = 'unknown', usedMixins: List[str] | None = None, methodMappings: Dict[str, Dict[str, MethodSpec]] = None)[source]#
A package, representing a remotely instantiable service.
- add_method(new_method: MethodSpec, permit_overwrite_of_existing: bool = False)[source]#
Add a method to the MethodSpec, overwriting the existing if it exists.
- property all_methods: List[MethodSpec]#
Return a list of all methods mapped in this Package.
- clone() PackageSpec [source]#
Return a copy-by-value clone of this PackageSpec.
- dict(**kwargs) dict [source]#
Return the dict representation of this object.
Manually adds the methods computed field. Note that if we upgrade to Pydantic 2xx we can automatically include this via decorators.
- get_method(http_verb: str, http_path: str) MethodSpec | None [source]#
Matches the provided HTTP Verb and Path to registered methods.
This is intended to be the single place where a provided (VERB, PATH) is mapped to a MethodSpec, such that if we eventually support path variables (/posts/:id/raw), it can be done within this function.
- import_parent_methods(parent: PackageSpec | None = None)[source]#
- exception steamship.base.package_spec.RouteConflictError(message: str, existing_method_spec: MethodSpec)[source]#
- existing_method_spec: MethodSpec#
steamship.base.request module#
- class steamship.base.request.CreateRequest(*, id: str = None, handle: str = None)[source]#
- class steamship.base.request.GetRequest(*, id: str = None, handle: str = None)[source]#
- class steamship.base.request.IdentifierRequest(*, id: str = None, handle: str = None)[source]#
- class steamship.base.request.ListRequest(*, pageSize: int | None = None, pageToken: str | None = None, sortOrder: SortOrder | None = SortOrder.DESC)[source]#
- class steamship.base.request.Request[source]#
steamship.base.response module#
- class steamship.base.response.ListResponse(*, nextPageToken: str | None = None)[source]#
- class steamship.base.response.Response[source]#
steamship.base.tasks module#
- class steamship.base.tasks.CreateTaskCommentRequest(*, taskId: str, externalId: str = None, externalType: str = None, externalGroup: str = None, metadata: str = None)[source]#
- class steamship.base.tasks.ListTaskCommentRequest(*, pageSize: int | None = None, pageToken: str | None = None, sortOrder: SortOrder | None = SortOrder.DESC, taskId: str = None, externalId: str = None, externalType: str = None, externalGroup: str = None)[source]#
- class steamship.base.tasks.Task(*, client: Client = None, taskId: str = None, userId: str = None, workspaceId: str = None, requestId: str | None = None, expect: Type = None, input: str = None, output: T = None, state: str = None, statusMessage: str = None, statusSuggestion: str = None, statusCode: str = None, statusCreatedOn: str = None, taskType: str = None, taskExecutor: str = None, taskCreatedOn: str = None, taskLastModifiedOn: str = None, remoteStatusInput: Dict | None = None, remoteStatusOutput: Dict | None = None, remoteStatusMessage: str = None, assignedWorker: str = None, startedAt: str = None, maxRetries: int = None, retries: int = None)[source]#
]Encapsulates a unit of asynchronously performed work.
- add_comment(external_id: str = None, external_type: str = None, external_group: str = None, metadata: Any = None) TaskComment [source]#
- as_error() SteamshipError [source]#
- output: T#
- wait(max_timeout_s: float = 180, retry_delay_s: float = 1, on_each_refresh: Callable[[int, float, Task], None] | None = None)[source]#
Polls and blocks until the task has succeeded or failed (or timeout reached).
- Parameters:
max_timeout_s (int) – Max timeout in seconds. Default: 180s. After this timeout, an exception will be thrown. A timeout of -1 is equivalent to no timeout.
retry_delay_s (float) – Delay between status checks. Default: 1s.
on_each_refresh (Optional[Callable[[int, float, Task], None]]) –
Optional call back you can get after each refresh is made, including success state refreshes. The signature represents: (refresh #, total elapsed time, task)
WARNING: Do not pass a long-running function to this variable. It will block the update polling.
- wait_until_completed(retry_delay_s: float = 1, on_each_refresh: Callable[[int, float, Task], None] | None = None)[source]#
Polls and blocks until the task has succeeded or failed. No timeout on waiting is applied.
- Parameters:
retry_delay_s (float) – Delay between status checks. Default: 1s.
on_each_refresh (Optional[Callable[[int, float, Task], None]]) –
Optional call back you can get after each refresh is made, including success state refreshes. The signature represents: (refresh #, total elapsed time, task)
WARNING: Do not pass a long-running function to this variable. It will block the update polling.
- class steamship.base.tasks.TaskComment(*, client: Client = None, id: str = None, userId: str = None, taskId: str = None, externalId: str = None, externalType: str = None, externalGroup: str = None, metadata: Any = None, createdAt: str = None)[source]#
- static create(client: Client, task_id: str = None, external_id: str = None, external_type: str = None, external_group: str = None, metadata: Any = None) TaskComment [source]#
- delete() TaskComment [source]#
- class steamship.base.tasks.TaskCommentList(*, nextPageToken: str | None = None, comments: List[TaskComment])[source]#
- comments: List[TaskComment]#
Module contents#
- class steamship.base.Configuration(config_file: Path | None = None, *, apiKey: SecretStr, apiBase: AnyHttpUrl = '', appBase: AnyHttpUrl = '', webBase: AnyHttpUrl = '', workspaceId: str = None, workspaceHandle: str = None, profile: str | None = None, requestId: str | None = None)[source]#
- api_base: AnyHttpUrl#
- api_key: SecretStr#
- app_base: AnyHttpUrl#
- web_base: AnyHttpUrl#
- class steamship.base.MimeTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- BINARY = 'application/octet-stream'#
- DOC = 'application/msword'#
- DOCX = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'#
- EPUB = 'application/epub+zip'#
- FILE_JSON = 'fileJson'#
- GIF = 'image/gif'#
- HTML = 'text/html'#
- JPG = 'image/jpeg'#
- JSON = 'application/json'#
- MKD = 'text/markdown'#
- MP3 = 'audio/mp3'#
- MP4_AUDIO = 'audio/mp4'#
- MP4_VIDEO = 'video/mp4'#
- OGG_AUDIO = 'audio/ogg'#
- OGG_VIDEO = 'video/ogg'#
- PDF = 'application/pdf'#
- PNG = 'image/png'#
- PPT = 'applicatino/ms-powerpoint'#
- PPTX = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'#
- RTF = 'application/rtf'#
- STEAMSHIP_BLOCK_JSON = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.json.v1'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_REQUEST = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.plugin-capabilities-request+json'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_RESPONSE = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.plugin-capabilities-response+json'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_CALL_INVOCATION = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.function-calling-support-invocation+json'#
- STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_CALL_RESULT = 'application/vnd.steamship-block.function-calling-support-result+json'#
- TIFF = 'image/tiff'#
- TXT = 'text/plain'#
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'#
- WAV = 'audio/wav'#
- WEBM_AUDIO = 'audio/webm'#
- WEBM_VIDEO = 'video/webm'#
- class steamship.base.RuntimeEnvironments(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]#
- LOCALHOST = 'localhost'#
- REPLIT = 'replit'#
- exception steamship.base.SteamshipError(message: str = 'Undefined remote error', internal_message: str = None, suggestion: str = None, code: str = None, error: Exception | str = None)[source]#
- static from_dict(d: Any) SteamshipError [source]#
Last resort if subclass doesn’t override: pass through.
- class steamship.base.Task(*, client: Client = None, taskId: str = None, userId: str = None, workspaceId: str = None, requestId: str | None = None, expect: Type = None, input: str = None, output: T = None, state: str = None, statusMessage: str = None, statusSuggestion: str = None, statusCode: str = None, statusCreatedOn: str = None, taskType: str = None, taskExecutor: str = None, taskCreatedOn: str = None, taskLastModifiedOn: str = None, remoteStatusInput: Dict | None = None, remoteStatusOutput: Dict | None = None, remoteStatusMessage: str = None, assignedWorker: str = None, startedAt: str = None, maxRetries: int = None, retries: int = None)[source]#
]Encapsulates a unit of asynchronously performed work.
- add_comment(external_id: str = None, external_type: str = None, external_group: str = None, metadata: Any = None) TaskComment [source]#
- as_error() SteamshipError [source]#
- output: T#
- wait(max_timeout_s: float = 180, retry_delay_s: float = 1, on_each_refresh: Callable[[int, float, Task], None] | None = None)[source]#
Polls and blocks until the task has succeeded or failed (or timeout reached).
- Parameters:
max_timeout_s (int) – Max timeout in seconds. Default: 180s. After this timeout, an exception will be thrown. A timeout of -1 is equivalent to no timeout.
retry_delay_s (float) – Delay between status checks. Default: 1s.
on_each_refresh (Optional[Callable[[int, float, Task], None]]) –
Optional call back you can get after each refresh is made, including success state refreshes. The signature represents: (refresh #, total elapsed time, task)
WARNING: Do not pass a long-running function to this variable. It will block the update polling.
- wait_until_completed(retry_delay_s: float = 1, on_each_refresh: Callable[[int, float, Task], None] | None = None)[source]#
Polls and blocks until the task has succeeded or failed. No timeout on waiting is applied.
- Parameters:
retry_delay_s (float) – Delay between status checks. Default: 1s.
on_each_refresh (Optional[Callable[[int, float, Task], None]]) –
Optional call back you can get after each refresh is made, including success state refreshes. The signature represents: (refresh #, total elapsed time, task)
WARNING: Do not pass a long-running function to this variable. It will block the update polling.
- class steamship.base.TaskState[source]#
- failed = 'failed'#
- running = 'running'#
- succeeded = 'succeeded'#
- waiting = 'waiting'#
- steamship.base.check_environment(env: RuntimeEnvironments, interactively_set_key: bool = True)[source]#