Source code for steamship.agents.schema.tool

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, List, Union

from pydantic.fields import Field
from pydantic.main import BaseModel

from steamship import Block, Task
from steamship.agents.schema.functions import (

[docs] class AgentContext(BaseModel): """Placeholder to avoid circular dependency.""" # TODO(doug): refactor so this is not necessary pass
[docs] class Tool(BaseModel): """Tools provide functionality that may be used by `AgentServices`, as directed by `Agents`, to achieve a goal. Tools may be used to wrap Steamship packages and plugins, as well as third-party backend services, and even locally-contained bits of Python code. """ name: str """The short name for the tool. This will be used by Agents to refer to this tool during action selection.""" agent_description: str """Description for use in an agent in order to enable Action selection. It should include a short summary of what the Tool does, what the inputs to the Tool should be, and what the outputs of the tool are.""" human_description: str """Human-friendly description. Used for logging, tool indices, etc.""" is_final: bool = False """Whether actions performed by this tool should have their is_final bit marked. Setting this to True means that the output of this tool will halt the reasoning loop. Its output will be returned directly to the user. """ cacheable: bool = Field(default=True) """Whether runs of this Tool should be cached based on inputs (if caching is enabled in the AgentContext for a run). Setting this to False will make prevent any Actions that involve this tool from being cached, meaning that every Action using this Tool will result in a call to `run`. By default, Tools are considered cacheable. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) -> Union[List[Block], Task[Any]]: """Run the tool given the provided input and context. At the moment, only synchronous Tools (those that return List[Block]) are supported. Support for asynchronous Tools (those that return Task[Any]) will be added shortly. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def post_process(self, async_task: Task, context: AgentContext) -> List[Block]: """Transforms Task output into a List[Block].""" pass
[docs] def as_openai_function(self) -> OpenAIFunction: text_property_schema = FunctionProperty( type=JSONType.string, description="text prompt for a function.", ) uuid_property_schema = FunctionProperty( type=JSONType.string, description="UUID for a Steamship Block. Used to refer to a non-textual input generated by another " "function. Example: c2f6818c-233d-4426-9dc5-f3c28fa33068", ) params = FunctionParameters( properties={"text": text_property_schema, "uuid": uuid_property_schema}, ) return OpenAIFunction(, description=self.human_description, parameters=params, )