steamship.plugin.blockifier package#


steamship.plugin.blockifier.blockifier module#

class steamship.plugin.blockifier.blockifier.Blockifier(client: Steamship = None, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, context: InvocationContext = None)[source]#

Bases: PluginService[RawDataPluginInput, BlockAndTagPluginOutput], ABC

abstract run(request: PluginRequest[RawDataPluginInput]) InvocableResponse[BlockAndTagPluginOutput][source]#

Runs the core operation implemented by this plugin: import, export, blockify, tag, etc.

This is the method that a Steamship Plugin implements to perform its main work.

run_endpoint(**kwargs) InvocableResponse[BlockAndTagPluginOutput][source]#

Exposes the Corpus Importer’s run operation to the Steamship Engine via the expected HTTP path POST /import

steamship.plugin.blockifier.transcriber module#

class steamship.plugin.blockifier.transcriber.Transcriber(client: Steamship = None, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, context: InvocationContext = None)[source]#

Bases: Blockifier

abstract get_transcript(transcript_id: str)[source]#

Method to retrieve the transcript and optional Tags. If the transcription is not ready, return None

run(request: PluginRequest[RawDataPluginInput]) InvocableResponse[BlockAndTagPluginOutput][source]#

Runs the core operation implemented by this plugin: import, export, blockify, tag, etc.

This is the method that a Steamship Plugin implements to perform its main work.

abstract start_transcription(audio_file: PluginRequest[RawDataPluginInput]) str[source]#

Start a transcription job and return an id to identify the transcription.

Module contents#

class steamship.plugin.blockifier.Blockifier(client: Steamship = None, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, context: InvocationContext = None)[source]#

Bases: PluginService[RawDataPluginInput, BlockAndTagPluginOutput], ABC

abstract run(request: PluginRequest[RawDataPluginInput]) InvocableResponse[BlockAndTagPluginOutput][source]#

Runs the core operation implemented by this plugin: import, export, blockify, tag, etc.

This is the method that a Steamship Plugin implements to perform its main work.

run_endpoint(**kwargs) InvocableResponse[BlockAndTagPluginOutput][source]#

Exposes the Corpus Importer’s run operation to the Steamship Engine via the expected HTTP path POST /import

class steamship.plugin.blockifier.Transcriber(client: Steamship = None, config: Dict[str, Any] = None, context: InvocationContext = None)[source]#

Bases: Blockifier

abstract get_transcript(transcript_id: str)[source]#

Method to retrieve the transcript and optional Tags. If the transcription is not ready, return None

run(request: PluginRequest[RawDataPluginInput]) InvocableResponse[BlockAndTagPluginOutput][source]#

Runs the core operation implemented by this plugin: import, export, blockify, tag, etc.

This is the method that a Steamship Plugin implements to perform its main work.

abstract start_transcription(audio_file: PluginRequest[RawDataPluginInput]) str[source]#

Start a transcription job and return an id to identify the transcription.