
Submodules# module#

class*, name: str = 'KnockKnockTool', agent_description: str = 'Used to begin telling a Knock Knock joke.', human_description: str = 'Starts a Knock-Knock Joke.', is_final: bool = False, cacheable: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: Tool

Example tool to illustrate how one might initiate the beginning of a joke.

Experimentally, the conversational LLM which underlies the agent ought to take over from there on out and be capable of completing the joke once it’s begun.

run(tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) List[Block] | Task[Any][source]#

Run the tool given the provided input and context.

At the moment, only synchronous Tools (those that return List[Block]) are supported.

Support for asynchronous Tools (those that return Task[Any]) will be added shortly.

Module contents#

class*, name: str = 'KnockKnockTool', agent_description: str = 'Used to begin telling a Knock Knock joke.', human_description: str = 'Starts a Knock-Knock Joke.', is_final: bool = False, cacheable: bool = True)[source]#

Bases: Tool

Example tool to illustrate how one might initiate the beginning of a joke.

Experimentally, the conversational LLM which underlies the agent ought to take over from there on out and be capable of completing the joke once it’s begun.

run(tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) List[Block] | Task[Any][source]#

Run the tool given the provided input and context.

At the moment, only synchronous Tools (those that return List[Block]) are supported.

Support for asynchronous Tools (those that return Task[Any]) will be added shortly.