Source code for steamship.agents.schema.chathistory

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import uuid
from logging import StreamHandler
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast

from fluent.handler import FluentRecordFormatter

from steamship import File, MimeTypes, Steamship, SteamshipError, Task
from steamship.agents.logging import LOGGING_FORMAT, AgentLogging, StreamingOpts
from steamship.agents.schema.message_selectors import MessageSelector
from steamship.agents.schema.text_splitters import FixedSizeTextSplitter, TextSplitter
from steamship.base.client import Client
from import TagKind
from import Block
from import EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance, SearchResults
from import Tag
from import ChatTag, DocTag, RoleTag, TagValueKey

[docs] class ChatHistory: """A ChatHistory is a wrapper of a File ideal for ongoing interactions between a user and a virtual assistant. It also includes vector-backed storage for similarity-based retrieval.""" file: File embedding_index: EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance text_splitter: TextSplitter def __init__( self, file: File, embedding_index: Optional[EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance], text_splitter: TextSplitter = None, ): """This init method is intended only for private use within the class. See `Chat.create()`""" self.file = file self.embedding_index = embedding_index if text_splitter is not None: self.text_splitter = text_splitter else: self.text_splitter = FixedSizeTextSplitter(chunk_size=300) @staticmethod def _get_existing_file(client: Client, context_keys: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional[File]: """Find an existing File object whose memory Tag matches the passed memory keys""" file_query = ( f'kind "{TagKind.CHAT}" and name "{ChatTag.CONTEXT_KEYS}"' + (" and " if len(context_keys) > 0 else "") + " and ".join([f'value("{key}") = "{value}"' for key, value in context_keys.items()]) ) file = File.query(client, file_query) if len(file.files) == 1: return file.files[0] elif len(file.files) == 0: return None else: raise SteamshipError( "Multiple ChatHistory objects have been created in this workspace with these memory keys." ) @staticmethod def _get_index_handle_from_file(file: File) -> str: for tag in file.tags: if tag.kind == TagKind.CHAT and == ChatTag.INDEX_HANDLE: return tag.value[TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE] raise SteamshipError(f"Could not find index handle on file with id {}") @staticmethod def _get_embedding_index(client: Steamship, index_handle: str) -> EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance: return cast( EmbeddingIndexPluginInstance, client.use_plugin( plugin_handle="embedding-index", instance_handle=index_handle, config={ "embedder": { "plugin_handle": "openai-embedder", "plugin_instance-handle": "text-embedding-ada-002", "fetch_if_exists": True, "config": {"model": "text-embedding-ada-002", "dimensionality": 1536}, } }, fetch_if_exists=True, ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_or_create( client: Steamship, context_keys: Dict[str, str], tags: List[Tag] = None, searchable: bool = True, ) -> ChatHistory: file = ChatHistory._get_existing_file(client, context_keys) if file is None: tags = tags or [] index_handle = str(uuid.uuid4()) tags.append(Tag(kind=TagKind.DOCUMENT, name=DocTag.CHAT)) # This is a Chat-related tag tags.append(Tag(kind=TagKind.CHAT, name=ChatTag.HISTORY)) # This is a ChatHistory file tags.append(Tag(kind=TagKind.CHAT, name=ChatTag.CONTEXT_KEYS, value=context_keys)) tags.append( Tag( kind=TagKind.CHAT, name=ChatTag.INDEX_HANDLE, value={TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE: index_handle}, ) ) blocks = [] file = File.create( client=client, blocks=blocks, tags=tags, ) else: index_handle = ChatHistory._get_index_handle_from_file(file) if searchable: embedding_index = ChatHistory._get_embedding_index(client, index_handle) else: embedding_index = None return ChatHistory(file, embedding_index)
[docs] def append_message_with_role( self, text: str = None, role: RoleTag = RoleTag.USER, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.""" tags = tags or [] tags.append( Tag(kind=TagKind.CHAT, name=ChatTag.ROLE, value={TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE: role}) ) tags.append(Tag(kind=TagKind.CHAT, name=ChatTag.MESSAGE)) block = self.file.append_block( text=text, tags=tags, content=content, url=url, mime_type=mime_type ) # don't index status messages if self.embedding_index is not None and role not in [ RoleTag.AGENT, RoleTag.TOOL, RoleTag.LLM, ]: chunk_tags = self.text_splitter.chunk_text_to_tags( block, kind=TagKind.CHAT, name=ChatTag.CHUNK ) block.tags.extend(chunk_tags) # Only embed tags that aren't empty space. non_empty_chunk_tags = [tag for tag in chunk_tags if tag.text.strip()] self.embedding_index.insert(non_empty_chunk_tags) return block
[docs] def append_user_message( self, text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.""" return self.append_message_with_role(text, RoleTag.USER, tags, content, url, mime_type)
[docs] def append_system_message( self, text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with content provided by the system, i.e., instructions to the assistant.""" return self.append_message_with_role(text, RoleTag.SYSTEM, tags, content, url, mime_type)
[docs] def append_assistant_message( self, text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with content provided by the agent, i.e., results from the assistant.""" return self.append_message_with_role(text, RoleTag.ASSISTANT, tags, content, url, mime_type)
@property def last_user_message(self) -> Optional[Block]: for block in self.file.blocks[::-1]: if block.chat_role == RoleTag.USER: return block return None @property def last_system_message(self) -> Optional[Block]: for block in self.file.blocks[::-1]: if block.chat_role == RoleTag.SYSTEM: return block return None @property def last_agent_message(self) -> Optional[Block]: for block in self.file.blocks[::-1]: if block.chat_role == RoleTag.ASSISTANT: return block return None @property def initial_system_prompt(self) -> Optional[Block]: if len(self.file.blocks) > 0 and self.file.blocks[0].chat_role == RoleTag.SYSTEM: return self.file.blocks[0] else: return None
[docs] def refresh(self): self.file.refresh()
@property def tags(self) -> List[Tag]: return self.file.tags @property def messages(self) -> List[Block]: return self.file.blocks @property def client(self) -> Client: return self.file.client
[docs] def select_messages(self, selector: MessageSelector) -> List[Block]: return selector.get_messages(self.messages)
[docs] def search(self, text: str, k=None) -> Task[SearchResults]: if len(text.strip()) == 0: return Task(output=SearchResults(), state="succeeded") if self.embedding_index is None: raise SteamshipError("This ChatHistory has no embedding index and is not searchable.") return, k)
[docs] def is_searchable(self) -> bool: return self.embedding_index is not None
[docs] def delete_messages(self, selector: MessageSelector): """Delete a set of selected messages from the ChatHistory. If `selector == None`, no messages will be deleted. NOTES: - upon deletion, refresh() is called to ensure up-to-date history refs. - causes a full re-index of chat history if the history is searchable. """ if selector: selected_messages = selector.get_messages(self.messages) for msg in selected_messages: msg.delete() self.refresh() if self.is_searchable(): self.embedding_index.reset() for msg in self.messages: for tag in msg.tags: if tag.kind == TagKind.CHAT and == ChatTag.CHUNK: # TODO(dougreid): figure out why tag.text gets lost. if not tag.text: tag.text = msg.text[tag.start_idx : tag.end_idx] # Only embed it if we've managed to generate a string representation. if tag.text and tag.text.strip(): self.embedding_index.insert(tag) self.refresh()
[docs] def clear(self): """Deletes ALL messages from the ChatHistory (including system). NOTE: upon deletion, refresh() is called to ensure up-to-date history refs. """ for block in self.file.blocks: block.delete() if self.is_searchable(): self.embedding_index.reset() self.refresh()
[docs] def append_status_message_with_role( self, text: str = None, role: RoleTag = RoleTag.USER, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with content provided by the end-user.""" tags = tags or [] tags.append( Tag( kind=TagKind.STATUS_MESSAGE, name=ChatTag.ROLE, value={TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE: role}, ) ) return self.file.append_block( text=text, tags=tags, content=content, url=url, mime_type=mime_type )
[docs] def append_agent_message( self, text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.""" return self.append_status_message_with_role( text, RoleTag.AGENT, tags, content, url, mime_type )
[docs] def append_tool_message( self, text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.""" return self.append_status_message_with_role( text, RoleTag.TOOL, tags, content, url, mime_type )
[docs] def append_llm_message( self, text: str = None, tags: List[Tag] = None, content: Union[str, bytes] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, mime_type: Optional[MimeTypes] = None, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.""" return self.append_status_message_with_role( text, RoleTag.LLM, tags, content, url, mime_type )
[docs] def append_request_complete_message( self, ) -> Block: """Append a new block to this with status update messages from the Agent.""" tags = [ Tag(kind=TagKind.AGENT_STATUS_MESSAGE, name=ChatTag.REQUEST_COMPLETE), ] return self.append_status_message_with_role("", RoleTag.AGENT, tags, None, None, None)
[docs] class ChatHistoryLoggingHandler(StreamHandler): """Logs messages emitted by Agents and Tools into a ChatHistory file. This is a basic mechanism for streaming status messages alongside generated content. """ chat_history: ChatHistory log_level: any streaming_opts: StreamingOpts def __init__( self, chat_history: ChatHistory, log_level: any = logging.INFO, streaming_opts: Optional[StreamingOpts] = None, ): StreamHandler.__init__(self) formatter = FluentRecordFormatter(LOGGING_FORMAT, fill_missing_fmt_key=True) self.setFormatter(formatter) self.chat_history = chat_history self.log_level = log_level if streaming_opts is not None: self.streaming_opts = streaming_opts else: self.streaming_opts = StreamingOpts()
[docs] def emit(self, record): if record.levelno < self.log_level: # don't bother doing anything if level is below logging level return message_dict = cast(dict, self.format(record)) is_agent_message = message_dict.get(AgentLogging.MESSAGE_AUTHOR, None) == AgentLogging.AGENT if self.streaming_opts.include_agent_messages and is_agent_message: return self._append_message(message_dict, AgentLogging.AGENT) is_tool_message = message_dict.get(AgentLogging.MESSAGE_AUTHOR, None) == AgentLogging.TOOL if self.streaming_opts.include_tool_messages and is_tool_message: return self._append_message(message_dict, AgentLogging.TOOL) is_llm_message = message_dict.get(AgentLogging.MESSAGE_AUTHOR, None) == AgentLogging.LLM if self.streaming_opts.include_llm_messages and is_llm_message: return self._append_message(message_dict, AgentLogging.LLM)
def _append_message(self, message_dict: dict, author_kind: str): message = message_dict.get("message", None) message_type = message_dict.get(AgentLogging.MESSAGE_TYPE, AgentLogging.MESSAGE) if author_kind == AgentLogging.AGENT: return self.chat_history.append_agent_message( text=message, mime_type=MimeTypes.TXT, ) elif author_kind == AgentLogging.TOOL: tool_name = message_dict.get(AgentLogging.TOOL_NAME, AgentLogging.TOOL) return self.chat_history.append_tool_message( text=message, tags=[ Tag( kind=TagKind.TOOL_STATUS_MESSAGE, name=message_type, value={TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE: message, "tool": tool_name}, ), ], mime_type=MimeTypes.TXT, ) elif author_kind == AgentLogging.LLM: llm_name = message_dict.get(AgentLogging.LLM_NAME, AgentLogging.LLM) return self.chat_history.append_llm_message( text=message, tags=[ Tag( kind=TagKind.LLM_STATUS_MESSAGE, name=message_type, value={TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE: message, "llm": llm_name}, ), ], mime_type=MimeTypes.TXT, )