Source code for steamship.base.mime_types

from enum import Enum

STEAMSHIP_PREFIX = "application/vnd.steamship-block"

[docs] class MimeTypes(str, Enum): UNKNOWN = "unknown" TXT = "text/plain" JSON = "application/json" MKD = "text/markdown" EPUB = "application/epub+zip" PDF = "application/pdf" JPG = "image/jpeg" PNG = "image/png" TIFF = "image/tiff" GIF = "image/gif" HTML = "text/html" DOC = "application/msword" DOCX = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" PPT = "applicatino/ms-powerpoint" PPTX = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation" RTF = "application/rtf" BINARY = "application/octet-stream" STEAMSHIP_BLOCK_JSON = f"{STEAMSHIP_PREFIX}.json.v1" WAV = "audio/wav" MP3 = "audio/mp3" OGG_AUDIO = "audio/ogg" OGG_VIDEO = "video/ogg" MP4_VIDEO = "video/mp4" MP4_AUDIO = "audio/mp4" WEBM_VIDEO = "video/webm" WEBM_AUDIO = "audio/webm" FILE_JSON = "fileJson" # This block contains information that isn't part of the payload to/from a plugin, but instead is json-formatted # information about if/how the plugin supports certain behaviors. STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_REQUEST = f"{STEAMSHIP_PREFIX}.plugin-capabilities-request+json" STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_CAPABILITIES_RESPONSE = f"{STEAMSHIP_PREFIX}.plugin-capabilities-response+json" STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_CALL_INVOCATION = ( f"{STEAMSHIP_PREFIX}.function-calling-support-invocation+json" ) STEAMSHIP_PLUGIN_FUNCTION_CALL_RESULT = ( f"{STEAMSHIP_PREFIX}.function-calling-support-result+json" )
[docs] @classmethod def has_value(cls, value): return value in cls._value2member_map_
[docs] @classmethod def is_binary(cls, value): """Returns whether the mime type is likely a binary file.""" return value in [ cls.UNKNOWN, cls.PDF, cls.JPG, cls.PNG, cls.TIFF, cls.GIF, cls.DOC, cls.PPT, cls.BINARY, cls.WAV, cls.MP3, cls.OGG_VIDEO, cls.OGG_AUDIO, cls.MP4_AUDIO, cls.MP4_VIDEO, cls.WEBM_AUDIO, cls.WEBM_VIDEO, ]
[docs] class ContentEncodings: BASE64 = "base64"
TEXT_MIME_TYPES = [ MimeTypes.TXT, MimeTypes.MKD, MimeTypes.HTML, MimeTypes.DOCX, MimeTypes.PPTX, ]