Source code for steamship.utils.repl

import abc
import contextlib
import logging
import signal
import uuid
from abc import ABC
from functools import partial
from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union, cast

import requests

from steamship import Block, Steamship, Task, TaskState
from steamship.agents.logging import AgentLogging
from steamship.agents.schema import AgentContext, Tool
from steamship.agents.service.agent_service import AgentService
from import TagKind, TagValueKey
from import get_tag
from import Workspace
from steamship.invocable.dev_logging_handler import DevelopmentLoggingHandler

    from termcolor import colored  # noqa: F401
except ImportError:

[docs] def colored(text: str, color: str, **kwargs): print(text)
[docs] class SteamshipREPL(ABC): """Base class for building REPLs that facilitate running Steamship code in the IDE.""" client: Steamship dev_logging_handler: DevelopmentLoggingHandler def __init__( self, log_level=None, dev_logging_handler=None, ): if not dev_logging_handler: self.dev_logging_handler = DevelopmentLoggingHandler.init_and_take_root() else: self.dev_logging_handler = dev_logging_handler
[docs] def print_string(self, output: str, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): """Print a string to console. All REPL output should ideally route through this method.""" f"{output}", extra={ AgentLogging.IS_MESSAGE: True, AgentLogging.MESSAGE_AUTHOR: AgentLogging.AGENT, AgentLogging.MESSAGE_TYPE: AgentLogging.MESSAGE, }, )
[docs] def print_object( self, obj: Union[Task, Block, str, dict], metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): """Print an object, returned by the agent or tool, to the console. Various epochs of the Agent SDK development have included Agents returning, to the repl: Blocks, strings, and Tasks. Since this is something that users can write (e.g. not controlled by the SDK) the REPL needs to handle all three cases in displaying output. """ # A string gets printed wholesale. if isinstance(obj, str): self.print_string(obj, metadata) return # A task gets its ID printed. # TODO: It would be nice for this to be a link to the web UI. if isinstance(obj, Task): self.print_string(f"Task: {obj.task_id}", metadata) return # A dict is assumed to be a Block. if isinstance(obj, dict): obj = Block.parse_obj(obj) # A block gets handled based on what it contains. block = cast(Block, obj) output = None if block.is_text(): output = block.text elif block.url: output = block.url elif block.content_url: output = block.content_url elif block.set_public_data(True) output = f"{self.client.config.api_base}block/{}/raw" if output: self.print_string(output, metadata)
[docs] def print_object_or_objects( self, output: Union[List, Any], metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): """Print Agent or Tool output, whether a list or a single object.""" if isinstance(output, List): objects = cast(List, output) for obj in objects: self.print_object(obj, metadata) else: self.print_object(output, metadata)
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def temporary_workspace(self) -> Steamship: workspace = Workspace.create(client=self.client) temp_client = Steamship(workspace=workspace.handle) yield temp_client workspace.delete()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class ToolREPL(SteamshipREPL): tool: Tool client = Steamship def __init__(self, tool: Tool, client: Optional[Steamship] = None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.tool = tool self.client = client or Steamship()
[docs] def run_with_client(self, client: Workspace, context: Optional[AgentContext] = None): if context is None: context = AgentContext() context.client = client print(f"Starting REPL for Tool {}...") print("If you make code changes, restart this REPL. Press CTRL+C to exit at any time.\n") while True: input_text = input(colored("Input: ", "blue")) # noqa: F821 input_block = Block(text=input_text) output =[input_block], context=context) self.print_object_or_objects(output)
[docs] def run(self): with self.temporary_workspace() as client: self.run_with_client(client)
[docs] class AgentREPL(SteamshipREPL): agent_class: Type[AgentService] agent_instance: Optional[AgentService] context_id: Optional[str] = None client = Steamship config = None def __init__( self, agent_class: Type[AgentService], method: Optional[str] = None, agent_package_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, client: Optional[Steamship] = None, context_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.agent_class = agent_class self.method = method self.client = client or Steamship() self.config = agent_package_config self.agent_instance = None self.context_id = context_id or str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] def run_with_client(self, client: Steamship, **kwargs): try: from termcolor import colored # noqa: F401 except ImportError: def colored(text: str, color: str, **kwargs): return text print("Starting REPL for Agent...") print("If you make code changes, restart this REPL. Press CTRL+C to exit at any time.\n") self.agent_instance = self.agent_class(client=client, config=self.config) # Determine the responder, which may have been custom-supplied on the agent. responder = getattr(self.agent_instance, self.method or "prompt") while True: input_text = input(colored(text="Input: ", color="blue")) # noqa: F821 output = responder(prompt=input_text, context_id=self.context_id, **kwargs) self.print_object_or_objects(output)
[docs] def run(self, dump_history_on_exit: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs): with self.temporary_workspace() as client: if dump_history_on_exit: signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, partial(self.print_history, client)) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, partial(self.print_history, client)) self.run_with_client(client, **kwargs)
[docs] def print_history(self, client: Steamship, *args, **kwargs): agent_ctx = AgentContext.get_or_create( client=client, context_keys={"id": f"{self.context_id}"} ) print(f"\n\n----- Agent Chat History {} -----\n") history = agent_ctx.chat_history history.refresh() for block in history.messages: chat_role = block.chat_role status_msg = get_tag(block.tags, kind=TagKind.STATUS_MESSAGE) if not chat_role and not status_msg: continue if chat_role: prefix = f"[{chat_role}]" else: if value := status_msg.value: prefix = f"[{value.get(TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE)} status]" else: prefix = "[status]" if block.is_text(): print(f"{prefix} {block.text}") else: print(f"{prefix} {} ({block.mime_type})") print("\n------------------------------\n") exit(0)
[docs] class HttpREPL(SteamshipREPL): """REPL that uses an HTTP endpoint. Best for the `ship serve` command.""" prompt_url: Optional[str] client = Steamship config = None context_id: Optional[str] = None def __init__( self, prompt_url: str, context_id: Optional[str] = None, client: Optional[Steamship] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.prompt_url = prompt_url self.client = client or Steamship() self.context_id = context_id or str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] def run_with_client(self, client: Steamship, **kwargs): # noqa: C901 try: from termcolor import colored # noqa: F401 except ImportError: def colored(text: str, color: str): print(text) print("Starting REPL for Agent...") print("If you make code changes, restart this REPL. Press CTRL+C to exit at any time.\n") while True: input_text = input(colored(text="Input: ", color="blue")) # noqa: F821 resp = self.prompt_url, json={"prompt": input_text, "context_id": self.context_id}, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.client.config.api_key.get_secret_value()}", }, ) result = None if not resp.ok: logging.error( f"Request to AgentService failed with HTTP Status {resp.status_code}." ) logging.error(f"Message: {resp.text}") try: result = resp.json() except JSONDecodeError as ex: logging.exception(ex) except BaseException as ex: logging.exception(ex) if result: if isinstance(result, dict): if result.get("status", {}).get("state", None) == TaskState.failed: message = result.get("status", {}).get("status_message", None) logging.error( f"Response failed with remote error: {message or 'No message'}" ) if suggestion := result.get("status", {}).get("status_suggestion", None): logging.error(f"Suggestion: {suggestion}") elif data := result.get("data", None): self.print_object_or_objects(data) else: logging.warning( "REPL interaction completed with empty data field in InvocableResponse." ) elif isinstance(result, list): self.print_object_or_objects(result) else: logging.warning("Unsure how to display result:") logging.warning(f"{result}") else: logging.warning("REPL interaction completed with no result to print.")
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): with self.temporary_workspace() as client: self.run_with_client(client, **kwargs)