Source code for steamship.plugin.outputs.train_plugin_output
from __future__ import annotations
from steamship.plugin.outputs.plugin_output import PluginOutput
class TrainPluginOutput(PluginOutput):
This is the object produced by a completed trainable operation, stored as the `output` field of a `train` task.
# The PluginInstance ID being trained
plugin_instance_id: str = None
# This should always represent the most recent snapshot of the model in Steamship
# It is the output of ModelCheckpoint.archive_path_in_steamship
archive_path: str = None
# Arbitrary key-valued data to provide to the `run` method when this plugin is Run.
inference_params: dict = None
# Arbitrary key-valued data to provide information about training status or training results.
training_progress: dict = None # For tracking the progress (e.g. 3 / 40 epochs completed)
training_results: dict = None # For tracking accuracy (e.g. f1=0.8)