Source code for steamship.plugin.inputs.block_and_tag_plugin_input

from __future__ import annotations

from steamship import File
from steamship.base import SteamshipError
from steamship.base.model import CamelModel
from steamship.utils.signed_urls import url_to_json

[docs] class BlockAndTagPluginInput(CamelModel): file: File = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): if url := kwargs.get("url"): # If `url` was provided, we assume that some or all of the new object's parameterization exists # at that location, encoded as JSON. We fetch it, parse as JSON, and fold into the kwarg dict. result = url_to_json(url) if not isinstance(result, dict): raise SteamshipError( message=f"BlockAndTagPluginInput received a URL that resolved to {type(result)}. Needed a `dict`" ) kwargs.update(result) super().__init__(**kwargs)