Source code for steamship.invocable.lambda_handler

import importlib
import inspect
import json
import logging
import sys
import traceback
import uuid
from http import HTTPStatus
from os import environ
from typing import Callable, Dict, Type

from fluent import asynchandler as fluenthandler
from fluent.handler import FluentRecordFormatter

from steamship import Configuration
from steamship.base import SteamshipError
from steamship.client import Steamship
from import SignedUrl
from steamship.invocable import Invocable, InvocableRequest, InvocableResponse, InvocationContext
from steamship.utils.signed_urls import upload_to_signed_url

[docs] def encode_exception(obj): """When logging an exception ex: logging.exception(some_error), the exception must be turned into a string so that it is accepted by elasticsearch""" if isinstance(obj, SteamshipError): return json.dumps(obj.to_dict()) if isinstance(obj, Exception): return f"exception_class: {type(obj).__name__}, args: {obj.args}" return obj
[docs] def internal_handler( # noqa: C901 invocable_cls_func: Callable[[], Type[Invocable]], event: Dict, client: Steamship, invocation_context: InvocationContext, call_instance_init: bool = False, ) -> InvocableResponse: try: request = InvocableRequest.parse_obj(event) except SteamshipError as se: logging.exception(se) return InvocableResponse.from_obj(se) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message="Plugin/App handler was unable to parse inbound request.", exception=ex, ) if request and request.invocation: error_prefix = ( f"[ERROR - {request.invocation.http_verb} {request.invocation.invocation_path}] " ) else: error_prefix = "[ERROR - ?VERB ?PATH] " if request.invocation.invocation_path == "/__dir__": # Return the DIR result without (1) Constructing invocable_cls or (2) Parsing its config (in the constructor) try: invocable_class: Type[Invocable] = invocable_cls_func() return InvocableResponse(json=invocable_class.__steamship_dir__(invocable_class)) except SteamshipError as se: logging.exception(se) return InvocableResponse.from_obj(se) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, prefix=error_prefix, message="Unable to initialize package/plugin.", exception=ex, ) try: invocable = invocable_cls_func()( client=client, config=request.invocation.config, context=invocation_context ) if call_instance_init: # TODO: We don't want to run this every time, but for now we are."Running __instance_init__") invocable.instance_init() except SteamshipError as se: logging.exception(se) return InvocableResponse.from_obj(se) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, prefix=error_prefix, message="Unable to initialize package/plugin.", exception=ex, ) if not invocable: return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, prefix=error_prefix, message="Unable to construct package/plugin for invocation.", ) try: response = invocable(request) return InvocableResponse.from_obj(response) except SteamshipError as se: logging.exception(se) se.message = f"{error_prefix}{se.message}" return InvocableResponse.from_obj(se) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, prefix=error_prefix, exception=ex, )
[docs] def handler( # noqa: C901 bound_internal_handler, event: Dict, _: Dict = None, running_locally: bool = False ) -> dict: if not running_locally: logging_config = event.get("loggingConfig") if logging_config is None: return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message="Plugin/App handler did not receive a remote logging config.", ).dict(by_alias=True) logging_host = logging_config.get("loggingHost") logging_port = logging_config.get("loggingPort") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging_handler = None invocation_context_dict = event.get("invocationContext") if invocation_context_dict is None: return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message="Plugin/App handler did not receive an invocation context.", ).dict(by_alias=True) invocation_context = InvocationContext.parse_obj(invocation_context_dict) # At the point in the code, the root log level seems to default to WARNING unless set to INFO, even with # the BasicConfig setting to INFO above. logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO) # These log statements intentionally go to the logging handler pre-remote attachment, to debug logging configuration issues if not running_locally:"Logging host: {logging_host} Logging port: {logging_port}")"Invocation context: {invocation_context}") if ( not running_locally and logging_host != "none" ): # Key off the string none, not 'is None', to avoid config errors where remote host isn't passed # Configure remote logging if logging_host is None: return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message="Plugin/App handler did receive a remote logging config, but it did not include a loggingHost.", ).dict(by_alias=True) if logging_port is None: return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message="Plugin/App handler did receive a remote logging config, but it did not include a loggingPort.", ).dict(by_alias=True) custom_format = create_custom_format(invocation_context=invocation_context, event=event) logging_handler = fluenthandler.FluentHandler( "steamship.deployed_lambda", host=logging_host, port=logging_port, nanosecond_precision=True, msgpack_kwargs={"default": encode_exception}, ) # Without explicit instruction, the fluent handler defaults to UNSET. We want to make sure it is INFO. logging_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = FluentRecordFormatter(custom_format) logging_handler.setFormatter(formatter) # The below should make it so calls to etc are also routed to the remote logger logging.root.addHandler(logging_handler) try: # Config will accept `workspace_id` as passed from the Steamship Engine, whereas the `Steamship` # class itself is limited to accepting `workspace` (`config.workspace_handle`) since that is the manner # of interaction ideal for developers. config = Configuration(**event.get("clientConfig", {})) client = Steamship(config=config, trust_workspace_config=True) except SteamshipError as se: logging.exception(se) return InvocableResponse.from_obj(se).dict(by_alias=True) except Exception as ex: logging.exception(ex) return InvocableResponse.error( code=HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message="Plugin/App handler was unable to create Steamship client.", exception=ex, ).dict(by_alias=True) if not running_locally:"Localstack hostname: {environ.get('LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME')}.") response = bound_internal_handler(event, client, invocation_context) result = response.dict(by_alias=True, exclude={"client"}) # When created with data > 4MB, data is uploaded to a bucket. # This is a very ugly way to get the deep size of this object data = json.dumps(result.get("data", None)).encode("UTF-8") data_size = sys.getsizeof(data)"Response data size {data_size}") if data_size > 4e6 and invocation_context.invocable_type == "plugin":"Response data size >4MB, must upload to bucket") filepath = str(uuid.uuid4()) signed_url = ( client.get_workspace() .create_signed_url( SignedUrl.Request( bucket=SignedUrl.Bucket.PLUGIN_DATA, filepath=filepath, operation=SignedUrl.Operation.WRITE, ) ) .signed_url )"Got signed url for writing: {signed_url}") upload_to_signed_url(signed_url, data) # Now remove raw data and replace with bucket del result["data"] result["dataBucket"] = SignedUrl.Bucket.PLUGIN_DATA.value result["dataFilepath"] = filepath if not running_locally and logging_handler is not None: logging_handler.close() return result
[docs] def create_custom_format( invocation_context: InvocationContext, event: Dict ) -> Callable[[logging.LogRecord], Dict]: def custom_format(record: logging.LogRecord) -> Dict: result = { "level": str(record.levelname), "where": f"{record.module}.{record.filename}.{record.funcName}:{record.lineno}", "type": str(record.levelname), "stack_trace": record.exc_text, "component": "package-plugin-lambda", "userId": invocation_context.user_id, "workspaceId": invocation_context.workspace_id, "tenantId": invocation_context.tenant_id, "invocableHandle": invocation_context.invocable_handle, "invocableVersionHandle": invocation_context.invocable_version_handle, "invocableInstanceHandle": invocation_context.invocable_instance_handle, "invocableType": invocation_context.invocable_type, "invocableOwnerId": invocation_context.invocable_owner_id, "path": event.get("invocation", {}).get("invocationPath"), "requestId": event.get("clientConfig", {}).get("requestId"), } # if isinstance(record.args, dict): for key, value in record.__dict__.items(): if key not in result: result[key] = str(value) return result # Giving the callable a callable attribute is very odd, but required # for the FluentRecordFormatter to work custom_format.usesTime = lambda: True return custom_format
[docs] def create_handler(invocable_cls: Type[Invocable]): """Deprecated wrapper function for a Steamship invocable within an AWS Lambda function. Called by code within a plugin or package. """ logging.warning( "Creating deprecated (unsafe imports) create_handler. This is no longer necessary. Please remove handler = create_handler(...) from your package or plugin." ) def deprecated_handler(event, context=None): logging.error( "Calling deprecated (unsafe imports) create_handler. This indicates use of newer SDK against an older platform version." ) return deprecated_handler
[docs] def safely_find_invocable_class() -> Type[Invocable]: """ Safely find the invocable class within invocable code. """ try: module = importlib.import_module("api") return get_class_from_module(module) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) raise SteamshipError( message=f"There was an error loading the main file (it must be named\n{traceback.format_exc()}", error=e, )
[docs] def get_class_from_module(module) -> Type[Invocable]: invocable_classes = [] for element in [getattr(module, x) for x in dir(module)]: if inspect.isclass(element): # Using names and not issubclass(element, Invocable) because latter was returning false? superclass_names = [c.__name__ for c in inspect.getmro(element)] if "Invocable" in superclass_names and element.__module__ == "api": invocable_classes.append(element) if len(invocable_classes) == 0: raise SteamshipError( message="Could not find package or plugin class in Define your package or plugin by subclassing from PluginService or PackageService." ) if len(invocable_classes) > 1: raise SteamshipError( message=f"Found too many invocable classes {invocable_classes} in Only one is supported." ) invocable_class = invocable_classes[0]"Safely loaded main class: {invocable_class.__name__}") return invocable_class
[docs] def create_safe_handler(known_invocable_for_testing: Type[Invocable] = None): if known_invocable_for_testing is not None: invocable_getter = lambda: known_invocable_for_testing # noqa: E731 else: invocable_getter = safely_find_invocable_class bound_internal_handler = lambda event, client, context: internal_handler( # noqa: E731 invocable_getter, event, client, context ) return lambda event, context=None: handler(bound_internal_handler, event, context)
# safe_handler is the new handler entrypoint, allowing the import section of user-provided code to run in a # context where we can trap errors. safe_handler = create_safe_handler()