Source code for steamship.invocable.invocable_response

from __future__ import annotations

import io
import json
import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Generic, Optional, TypeVar, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.generics import GenericModel

from steamship import File
from steamship.base import MimeTypes, SteamshipError, Task, TaskState
from steamship.base.client import Client
from steamship.base.error import DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE
from steamship.base.mime_types import ContentEncodings
from steamship.base.model import CamelModel
from steamship.utils.binary_utils import flexi_create

[docs] class Http(CamelModel): status: int = None # If true, we're signaling to the Steamship Proxy that the `data` field of the SteamshipResponse object # has been wrapped in base64. In this situation, we can return the bytes within directly to the Proxy # caller without interpreting it. base64_wrapped: bool = None headers: Dict[str, str] = None
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] class InvocableResponse(GenericModel, Generic[T]): """Mirrors the Response object in the Steamship server.""" data: T = None # Data for successful or synchronous requests. status: Task = None # Reporting for errors and async status http: Http = None # Additional HTTP information for Steamship Proxy (headers, etc) def __init__( self, status: Task = None, error: SteamshipError = None, http: Http = None, data: Any = None, string: str = None, json: Any = None, _bytes: Union[bytes, io.BytesIO] = None, mime_type=None, ): super().__init__() # Note: # This function has to be very defensively coded since Any errors thrown here will not be returned # to the end-user via our proxy (as this is the constructor for the response itself!) if http is not None: self.http = http else: self.http = Http(status=200, headers={}) try: self.set_data(data=data, string=string, json=json, _bytes=_bytes, mime_type=mime_type) except Exception as ex: logging.error("Exception within Response.__init__.", exc_info=ex) if error is not None: if error.message: error.message = f"{error.message}. Also found error - unable to serialize data to response. {ex}" else: error.message = f"Unable to serialize data to response. {ex}" else: error = SteamshipError(message=f"Unable to serialize data to response. {ex}") logging.error(error, exc_info=error) # Handle the task provided if status is None: self.status = Task() elif isinstance(status, Task): self.status = status else: self.status = Task() self.status.state = TaskState.failed self.status.status_message = ( f"Status field of response should be of type Task. " f"Instead was of type {type(status)} and had value {status}." ) if error: self.status.state = TaskState.failed self.status.status_message = error.message self.status.status_suggestion = error.suggestion self.status.status_code = error.code logging.error( "steamship.invocable.response - Response created with error.", exc_info=error ) else: if self.status.state is None: self.status.state = TaskState.succeeded
[docs] def set_data( self, data: Any = None, string: str = None, json: Any = None, _bytes: Union[bytes, io.BytesIO] = None, mime_type=None, ): data, mime_type, encoding = flexi_create( data=data, string=string, json=json, _bytes=_bytes, mime_type=mime_type ) = data self.http.headers = self.http.headers or {} self.http.headers["Content-Type"] = mime_type or MimeTypes.BINARY if encoding == ContentEncodings.BASE64: self.http.base64_wrapped = True
[docs] @staticmethod def error( code: int, message: Optional[str] = None, error: Optional[SteamshipError] = None, exception: Optional[Exception] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> InvocableResponse[T]: """Merges a number of error channels into one unified Response object. Aggregates all possible messages into a single " | "-delimeted error message. If the final resulting error message is non-null, prefixes with the provided `prefix` """ # Use or create the return error error = error or SteamshipError() messages = [] if error.message != DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE: messages.append(error.message) # Set or append the additional message if message is not None and message not in messages: messages.append(message) # Set or append the exception if exception is not None: exception_str = f"{exception}" if exception_str not in messages: messages.append(exception_str) messages = [m.strip() for m in messages if m is not None and len(m.strip())] if len(messages) > 0: error.message = " | ".join(messages) # Finally, add the prefix if requested. if prefix and error.message: error.message = f"{prefix}{error.message}" return InvocableResponse(error=error, http=Http(status=code))
[docs] @staticmethod def from_obj(obj: Any) -> InvocableResponse: # noqa: C901 if obj is None: return InvocableResponse.error(500, "Handler provided no response.") if isinstance(obj, InvocableResponse): return obj elif isinstance(obj, SteamshipError): return InvocableResponse.error(500, error=obj) elif isinstance(obj, Exception): return InvocableResponse.error(500, error=SteamshipError(error=obj)) elif isinstance(obj, io.BytesIO): return InvocableResponse(_bytes=obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return InvocableResponse(json=obj) elif isinstance(obj, list): return InvocableResponse(json=obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): return InvocableResponse(string=obj) elif isinstance(obj, (float, int, bool)): return InvocableResponse(json=obj) elif isinstance(obj, CamelModel): return InvocableResponse(json=obj.dict(by_alias=True)) elif isinstance(obj, BaseModel): return InvocableResponse(json=obj.dict()) return InvocableResponse.error( 500, message=f"Handler provided unknown response type: {type(obj)}" )
[docs] def post_update(self, client: Client): """Pushes this response object to the corresponding Task on the Steamship Engine. Typically apps and plugins return their results to the Engine synchronously via HTTP. But sometimes that's not practice -- for example: - Microsoft's OCR endpoint returns a Job Token that can be exchanged for updates, and eventually a result. - Google's AutoML can take 20-30 minutes to train. - Fine-tuning BERT on ECS can take an arbitrarily long amount of time. In these cases, it can be useful for the package/plugin to occasionally post updates to the Engine outside of the Engine's initial synchronous request-response conversation. """ if self.status is None or self.status.task_id is None: raise SteamshipError( message="An App/Plugin response can only be pushed to the Steamship Engine if " + "it is associated with a Task. Please set the `status.task_id` field." ) if client is None: raise SteamshipError( message="Unable to push Response to Steamship: Associated client is None" ) # Create a task object task = Task(client=client, task_id=self.status.task_id) update_fields = set() if self.status.state is not None: task.state = self.status.state update_fields.add("state") if self.status.status_message is not None: task.status_message = self.status.status_message update_fields.add("status_message") if self.status.status_suggestion is not None: task.status_suggestion = self.status.status_suggestion update_fields.add("status_suggestion") if is not None: # This object itself should always be the output of the Training Task object. task.output = json.dumps( update_fields.add("output") task.post_update(fields=update_fields)
[docs] class StreamingResponse(CamelModel): """StreamingResponse holds the basic information for an asynchronous request to Steamship that returns a stream. It consists of two parts: 1. A `Task` that represents the scheduled background work. This `Task` SHOULD be dependent on any other resultant child `Task`s that are scheduled by a package. The returned `Task` will have a `requestId` that can be used to reference the originating request (and can be used to filter streams). 2. A `File` object that can be used to stream back `Block`s added by a package in response to the request (when completing the `Task`). Streams in Steamship are `File`-centric. The streams consist of Server-Side Events for `Block` creation events. These events represent work performed, as observed by recording new data to a common `File`. For example, `AgentService` operations log all work to a `ChatHistory`-managed `File`. This `File` will contain all intermediate work for a request and be used for streaming interactions with LLMs, etc. To consume a Steamship stream, clients should use the `File::id` and the `Task::requestId` fields to request the data via:{file_id}/stream?requestId={req_id}&timeoutSeconds=30". StreamingResponse differs from InvocableResponse in that it contains both `Task` and `File` simultaneously (rather than a `status` OR `data` field). """ task: Task """Represents background work that will produce a stream of events for a given request.""" file: File """Provides the stream of events, as a series of block creation events (sent as SSEs)."""