Source code for

from typing import List, Optional

from import Tag

[docs] def get_tag( tags: Optional[List[Tag]], kind: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[Tag]: """Return the first tag of a list with the provided kind & name.""" for tag in tags or []: if (kind is None or tag.kind == kind) and (name is None or == name): return tag return None
[docs] def get_tag_value_key( tags: Optional[List[Tag]], key: str, kind: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[any]: """Return the value key from the first tag of a list with the provided kind & name.""" if tag := get_tag(tags, kind=kind, name=name): return (tag.value or {}).get(key) return None