Source code for

import json
import random
from typing import Any, List, Union

from steamship import Block, Steamship, SteamshipError, Task
from steamship.agents.llms import OpenAI
from steamship.agents.schema import AgentContext, Tool
from steamship.agents.utils import get_llm, with_llm
from steamship.utils.repl import ToolREPL

Generate a JSON object describing {table_description}.
Always return a non-empty value for every field in the object.




DEFAULT_PLURAL_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION = "employees of a company"
DEFAULT_OBJECT_KEYS = ["Name", "Age", "Gender"]
    ["Bob", 30, "Male"],
    ["Susan", 32, "Female"],
    ["Zhenzhong", 40, "Male"],
    ["Luis", 32, "Male"],
    ["Roberta", 35, "Female"],
    ["Sofia", 30, "Female"],

[docs] class JsonObjectGeneratorTool(Tool): """ Example tool to illustrate generating a new JSON object provided a set of examples. This is useful as an example of how to generate a new structured object: - A Person (e.g. name, gender, age) - A Proposed Podcast Episode (e.g. title, description, tags) The tool takes no input at runtime: it's a true generator parameterized only at initializtion time. The tool's parameterization is somewhat CSV-like in construction. """ rewrite_prompt: str = DEFAULT_PROMPT """The prompt used to generate a new JSON object.""" plural_object_description: str = DEFAULT_PLURAL_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION """Plural description of the object. E.g. 'employees of a company' or 'people' or 'podcast episodes'""" object_keys: List[str] = DEFAULT_OBJECT_KEYS """The keys the JSON should have.""" example_rows: List[List[str]] = DEFAULT_OBJECT_EXAMPLES """List of example object values, aligned to the `object_keys` parameter.""" new_row_prefix_fields: List[str] = DEFAULT_NEW_ROW_PREFIX_FIELDS """Any fields that should be hard-coded for the new row. These must be grouped as the first set of fields.""" shuffle_example_rows: bool = True """Whether randomly shuffle example rows to induce a bit of variety even with low LLM temperature.""" validate_output_as_json: bool = True """Whether to validate that the output is actually JSON.""" name: str = "JsonObjectTool" human_description: str = "Generates a new JSON object." agent_description: str = "(set at initialization time)" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.agent_description = ( f"Used to generate an instance of the {self.plural_object_description} table. " "Input: Anything. " f"Output A tab-separated row describing a new instance of the {self.plural_object_description} table." )
[docs] def kv_clause(self, key: str, value: str) -> str: """Return an escaped, JSON style key-value clause `"key": "value"`""" value = str(value).replace('"', '\\"') clause = f'"{key}": "{value}"' return clause
[docs] def object_json(self, schema: List[str], values: List[str]): """Render a CSV-style header row and value list into a JSON object.""" clauses = [] for field, value in zip(schema, values): clauses.append(self.kv_clause(field, value)) return "{" + ", ".join(clauses) + "}"
[docs] def run(self, tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) -> Union[List[Block], Task[Any]]: """Ignore tool input and generate a JSON object described by the tool's configuration. Inputs ------ input: List[Block] A list of blocks that will be ignored. memory: AgentContext The active AgentContext. Output ------ output: List[Blocks] A single block containing a new row of the table described by the tool's configuration. """ if self.shuffle_example_rows: # Shuffle the example rows to get a bit of variety even with low temperature. random.shuffle(self.example_rows) # Generate example JSON objects with a fixed key ordering. example_objects = [ self.object_json(self.object_keys, example_row) for example_row in self.example_rows ] example_objects_str = "\n".join(example_objects) # Generate the new row line. At a minimum it's the `{` character, but it may also hard-code a number of # fields that should be affixed rather than generated. new_object_prefix = "{" for i in range(len(self.new_row_prefix_fields)): clause = self.kv_clause(self.object_keys[i], self.new_row_prefix_fields[i]) new_object_prefix += f"{clause}, " # Compile the final generation prompt. prompt = self.rewrite_prompt.format( table_description=self.plural_object_description, fields_desired=", ".join(self.object_keys), example_objects=example_objects_str, new_object_prefix=new_object_prefix, ) # Perform the generation llm = get_llm(context, default=OpenAI(client=context.client)) res = llm.complete(prompt, stop="}") # Make sure we only generated one block; anything else violates the assumptions of this code. blocks_emitted = len(res) if blocks_emitted != 1: raise SteamshipError(message=f"{blocks_emitted} blocks emitted; expecting 1.") # The output JSON is generation prefix row, plus the generated content, plus a final } character # The reason we have to add the final "}" character is because we used it for the stop character full_json = new_object_prefix + res[0].text + "}" if self.validate_output_as_json: try: json.loads(full_json) except BaseException: raise SteamshipError( message=f"Attempted to generate a JSON object, but did not generate valid JSON. Result: {full_json}" ) res[0].text = full_json return res
if __name__ == "__main__": with Steamship.temporary_workspace() as client: ToolREPL(JsonObjectGeneratorTool()).run_with_client( client=client, context=with_llm(llm=OpenAI(client=client)) )