Source code for

"""Tool for searching the web for answers."""
import logging
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import Field

from steamship import Block, File, PluginInstance, Steamship, SteamshipError, Task
from steamship.agents.llms import OpenAI
from steamship.agents.logging import AgentLogging
from steamship.agents.schema import AgentContext, Tool
from steamship.agents.utils import with_llm
from import TagValueKey
from import get_tag_value_key
from steamship.utils.kv_store import KeyValueStore
from steamship.utils.repl import ToolREPL

[docs] class SearchTool(Tool): """ Tool which uses Steamship's managed SERP API client to search Google. """ name: str = "SearchTool" human_description: str = "Searches the web." agent_description: str = "Used to search the web for new information." cache: bool = False cache_store: Optional[KeyValueStore] = Field(None, exclude=True)
[docs] class Config: arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs] def run(self, tool_input: List[Block], context: AgentContext) -> Union[List[Block], Task[Any]]: """Execute a search using the Steamship plugin.""" search_tool = context.client.use_plugin("serpapi-wrapper") if self.cache: self.cache_store = KeyValueStore( client=context.client, store_identifier="search-tool-serpapi-wrapper" ) output = [] for block in tool_input: if block.is_text(): result = self._do_search(block.text, search_tool) if isinstance(result, str): output.append(Block(text=result)) else: output.append(Block(text=f"{result}")) return output
def _do_search(self, query: str, search_tool: PluginInstance) -> str: try: if ( self.cache ): # Not self.cache_store is not None, because it's set to a Field by default value = self.cache_store.get(query) if value is not None: return value.get(TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE, "") f"Executing search: {query}", extra={ AgentLogging.TOOL_NAME:, AgentLogging.IS_MESSAGE: True, AgentLogging.MESSAGE_TYPE: AgentLogging.ACTION, AgentLogging.MESSAGE_AUTHOR: AgentLogging.TOOL, }, ) task = search_tool.tag(doc=query) task.wait() answer = self._first_tag_value( # TODO: TagKind.SEARCH_RESULT task.output.file, "search-result", TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE, ) if ( self.cache ): # Not self.cache_store is not None, because it's set to a Field by default self.cache_store.set(key=query, value={TagValueKey.STRING_VALUE: answer}) return answer except SteamshipError: return "No search result found" @staticmethod def _first_tag_value(file: File, tag_kind: str, value_key: str) -> Optional[Any]: """Return the value of the first block tag found in a file for the kind and value_key specified.""" for block in file.blocks: val = get_tag_value_key(block.tags, value_key, kind=tag_kind) if val is not None: return val return None
if __name__ == "__main__": tool = SearchTool() with Steamship.temporary_workspace() as client: ToolREPL(tool).run_with_client(client=client, context=with_llm(llm=OpenAI(client=client)))