Source code for

"""Tool for generating images."""
from steamship import Steamship
from steamship.agents.llms import OpenAI
from import AudioBlockifierTool
from steamship.agents.utils import with_llm
from steamship.utils.repl import ToolREPL

[docs] class AssemblySpeechToTextTool(AudioBlockifierTool): """Tool to generate text from audio.""" name: str = "AssemblySpeechToTextTool" human_description: str = "Generates text from spoken audio." agent_description: str = ( "Used to generate text from spoken audio. " "Only use if the user has asked directly for a text version of an audio file. " "When using this tool, the input should be the audio file. " "The output is the text." ) blockifier_plugin_handle: str = "s2t-blockifier-assembly"
if __name__ == "__main__": tool = AssemblySpeechToTextTool() # Try on: with Steamship.temporary_workspace() as client: ToolREPL(tool).run_with_client(client=client, context=with_llm(llm=OpenAI(client=client)))