Source code for steamship.agents.react.output_parser

import logging
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from steamship import Block, Steamship
from steamship.agents.schema import Action, AgentContext, FinishAction, OutputParser, Tool

[docs] class ReACTOutputParser(OutputParser): """Parse LLM output expecting structure matching ReACTAgent default prompt.""" tools_lookup_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Tool]] = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): tools_lookup_dict = { tool for tool in kwargs.pop("tools", [])} super().__init__(tools_lookup_dict=tools_lookup_dict, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse(self, text: str, context: AgentContext) -> Action: if text.endswith("No"): raise RuntimeError(f"Could not parse LLM output: `{text}`") if "AI:" in text: return FinishAction( output=ReACTOutputParser._blocks_from_text(context.client, text), context=context ) regex = r"Action: (.*?)[\n]*Action Input: (.*)" match =, text) if not match: logging.warning(f"Bad agent response ({text}). Returning results directly to the user.") # TODO: should this be the case? If we are off-base should we just return what we have? return FinishAction( output=ReACTOutputParser._blocks_from_text(context.client, text), context=context ) action = action_input = tool = action.strip() if tool is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find tool from action: `{action}`. Known tools: {self.tools_lookup_dict.keys()}" ) return Action( tool=tool, input=[Block(text=action_input)], context=context, )
@staticmethod def _blocks_from_text(client: Steamship, text: str) -> List[Block]: last_response = text.split("AI:")[-1].strip() block_id_regex = r"(?:(?:\[|\()?Block)?\(?([A-F0-9]{8}\-[A-F0-9]{4}\-[A-F0-9]{4}\-[A-F0-9]{4}\-[A-F0-9]{12})\)?(?:(\]|\)))?" remaining_text = last_response result_blocks: List[Block] = [] while remaining_text is not None and len(remaining_text) > 0: match =, remaining_text) if match: pre_block_text = ReACTOutputParser._remove_block_prefix( candidate=remaining_text[0 : match.start()] ) if len(pre_block_text) > 0: result_blocks.append(Block(text=pre_block_text)) result_blocks.append(Block.get(client, remaining_text = ReACTOutputParser._remove_block_suffix( remaining_text[match.end() :] ) else: result_blocks.append(Block(text=remaining_text)) remaining_text = "" return result_blocks @staticmethod def _remove_block_prefix(candidate: str) -> str: removed = candidate if removed.endswith("(Block") or removed.endswith("[Block"): removed = removed[len("Block") + 1 :] elif removed.endswith("Block"): removed = removed[len("Block") :] return removed @staticmethod def _remove_block_suffix(candidate: str) -> str: removed = candidate if removed.startswith(")") or removed.endswith("]"): removed = removed[1:] return removed