Source code for steamship.agents.mixins.transports.steamship_widget

import uuid
from typing import List, Optional

from steamship import Block, Steamship, SteamshipError
from steamship.agents.mixins.transports.transport import Transport
from steamship.agents.schema import Metadata
from steamship.agents.service.agent_service import AgentService, build_context_appending_emit_func
from steamship.invocable import post


[docs] class SteamshipWidgetTransport(Transport): """Experimental base class to encapsulate a Steamship web widget communication channel.""" message_output: List[Block] def __init__(self, client: Steamship, agent_service: AgentService): super().__init__(client=client) self.agent_service = agent_service
[docs] def instance_init(self): pass
def _instance_deinit(self, *args, **kwargs): """Unsubscribe from updates.""" pass def _send(self, blocks: [Block], metadata: Metadata): """Send a response to the client. TODO: Since this isn't a push, but rather an API return, we need to figure out how to model this. """ pass
[docs] @post("info") def info(self) -> dict: return {}
def _parse_inbound(self, payload: dict, context: Optional[dict] = None) -> Optional[Block]: """Parses an inbound Steamship widget message.""" message_text = payload.get("question") if message_text is None: raise SteamshipError(f"No 'question' found in Steamship widget message: {payload}") chat_id = payload.get("chat_session_id", "default") message_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) result = Block(text=message_text) result.set_chat_id(str(chat_id)) result.set_message_id(str(message_id)) return result
[docs] @post("answer", public=True) def answer(self, **payload) -> List[Block]: """Endpoint that implements the contract for Steamship embeddable chat widgets. This is a PUBLIC endpoint since these webhooks do not pass a token.""" incoming_message = self.parse_inbound(payload) with self.agent_service.build_default_context( context_id=incoming_message.chat_id ) as context: context.chat_history.append_user_message( text=incoming_message.text, tags=incoming_message.tags ) context.emit_funcs = [ self.save_for_emit, # allow web-app access to blocks on emit (making them public) build_context_appending_emit_func(context=context, make_blocks_public=True), ] try: self.agent_service.run_agent(self.agent_service.get_default_agent(), context) except Exception as e: self.message_output = [ self.response_for_exception(e, chat_id=incoming_message.chat_id) ] # We don't call self.steamship_widget_transport.send because the result is the return value return self.message_output
[docs] def save_for_emit(self, blocks: List[Block], metadata: Metadata): self.message_output = blocks