Source code for steamship.agents.examples.document_qa_agent

from steamship.agents.functional import FunctionsBasedAgent
from steamship.agents.llms.openai import ChatOpenAI
from steamship.agents.service.agent_service import AgentService
from import VectorSearchQATool
from steamship.invocable.mixins.blockifier_mixin import BlockifierMixin
from steamship.invocable.mixins.file_importer_mixin import FileImporterMixin
from steamship.invocable.mixins.indexer_mixin import IndexerMixin
from steamship.invocable.mixins.indexer_pipeline_mixin import IndexerPipelineMixin
from steamship.utils.repl import AgentREPL

[docs] class ExampleDocumentQAService(AgentService): """DocumentQAService is an example AgentService that exposes: # noqa: RST201 - A few authenticated endpoints for learning PDF and YouTube documents: /index_url { url } /index_text { text } - An unauthenticated endpoint for answering questions about what it has learned This agent provides a starter project for special purpose QA agents that can answer questions about documents you provide. """ USED_MIXIN_CLASSES = [IndexerPipelineMixin, FileImporterMixin, BlockifierMixin, IndexerMixin] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # This Mixin provides HTTP endpoints that coordinate the learning of documents. # # It adds the `/learn_url` endpoint which will: # 1) Download the provided URL (PDF, YouTube URL, etc) # 2) Convert that URL into text # 3) Store the text in a vector index # # That vector index is then available to the question answering tool, below. self.add_mixin(IndexerPipelineMixin(self.client, self)) self.set_default_agent( FunctionsBasedAgent( tools=[ VectorSearchQATool(), # Tool to answer questions based on a vector store. ], llm=ChatOpenAI(self.client), ) )
if __name__ == "__main__": # AgentREPL provides a mechanism for local execution of an AgentService method. # This is used for simplified debugging as agents and tools are developed and # added. AgentREPL(ExampleDocumentQAService).run()